We are happy to process the refund for you but we need a bit more information as to the problem.
First, please confirm you are running the latest version of the plugin, and have watched our troubleshooting video as 99% of issues are covered by our checklist:
If you still wish to proceed with a refund please record a screencast video using https://www.techsmith.com/jing-tool.html (Free) & show us the screens below:
For WP Optimiser
1. Your initial control speed test result screen
2. Your Site Profiler screen
3. Your Bulk Image Optimiser screen
4. Your Lazy Load Image screen
5. Your Post optimisation speed test screen
For Viper Cache
1. Your initial control speed test screen
2. Your Viper Cache Settings screen
3. Your Post optimisation speed test screen
If you have followed our troubleshooting / testing guide as per instructions & the product has not performed as expected, then please allow us to help rectify the problem. And if we can’t, then we will issue you a full refund as promised within 48HRS.
For us to find out what could be causing the problems, please provide us with additional info such as:
1. WP version
2. Browser name and version
3. Your blog link and WP admin access details (you can create a temporary access for us)
If we find that you haven't followed our instructions as per our video we will refer you back to the troubleshooting video & point out where you may have gone wrong...
Please note our refund policy covers faults where the fault is described so we can take action to fix it for all customers & does not cover change of heart.